Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some of the work people are doing at this school is amazing.

I've had the benefit of being in the editing labs at UNC for the past couple of weeks, investing myself in cutting our 16 mm film which I was Co-DP (Director of Photography). Being up there, I've been exposed to a large body of student films that range from "what the hell" to "holy shit" on the cool-o-meter.

This time in our lives in when we really get to do creative things because they are coming from within us, not because someone is telling us to do them. I'm really looking forward to what the future holds for our generation.

Hopefully (HOPE being the key word of our times), we can change the system. I've heard a good bit of talk about a revolution happening soon and I can't wait to be a part of it.

Things are no doubt crumbling to the ground around us. If there's someone responsible, it can only be the system. We can say human error has brought us to this point (greed, specifically), but the system perpetuates that human error and makes it desirable and easily accessible.

I'm not just talking about film now, but about everything. If, as a unified generation, we can refuse to compromise, things will have to change.

Oh, let me get off my soapbox, sorry.

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