Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Film eras move in decades. It usually goes something like this - artists in control, studios in control, artists in control, studios in control. Why?

Well, it's a pretty simple dynamic. People get fed up with drama-rom-coms and demand new, more innovative material. This puts the power back in the hands of the filmmaker.

This new and inventive material then becomes profitable because, you know, it's good, and studios jump on the chance to finance it. It then goes capitalist, spouting things like "if it's worked before, let it work again," and the artist gets squashed (or forced to make films like Indiana Jones IV).

People, who are a damn sight smarter than Disney thinks they are, get tired of this again and the cycle repeats.

Believe it or not, those guys we blame for the "blockbuster" era (it started with Jaws) were actually independent filmmakers at one time. They flourished in one of those "artists in control" periods but eventually fell victim to the big 'ol $.

However: hope!

I believe we are currently in a state of flux, where power is changing hands. And in the digital age, I think we might just be able to hold on! It is up to 'we, the people,' to 'have it our way'.

I encourage you (and myself, damn it) to be an active member in the community, film or otherwise. Get your voice heard.

Let's be independent again!


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