Sunday, March 1, 2009

OK, so check this out.

You all know Tarentino, right?  Well, have you also heard of the flick he penned that was directed by Tony Scott, True Romance?  Supposedly, Scott had originally shot and cut the film the way that it was written, but then got cold feet over the 'answers first, questions later' style that Tarentino is famous for.  He thus edited it chronologically, which some believe ruined the film.  No other (legal) cut exists.

There's a discussion to be had here over who has the true authorship of a film, the writer or director, but we'll save that for another time (as a writer, you might could guess as to my stance).

While researching for a project, I stumbled upon a torrent proclaiming to be the "Tarentino-Cut of True Romance".  This, of course, piqued my interest.  

As it turns out, the person who uploaded this new cut was also responsible for editing it.  It is then, a fan-cut version of the film, using the original screenplay as a guide.  The guy even went into the DVD extras and reinserted scenes that Tony Scott had taken out.  Talk about dedication.

I haven't seen it yet, but that's only because it has not finished downloading.  I'll tell you how it compares soon.

Again I have to praise the internet for allowing this kind of thing to happen.  If, as it proclaims to be, this is a comprehensive re-cutting of the film, then power has indeed changed hands.  If you are unsatisfied with a film, do it yourself!  Granted, you can't exactly change the way they shot it, but editing is just as crucial a component, if not more so.  The sky is the limit!

Though I imagine this guy will be hunted down by IP lawyers, I have to congratulate his passion and ingenuity.  These are the kinds of doors being opened to our generation.  

I'm excited, are you?


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